Confused by Medicare?

Relax. You are home.

Free, simple, friendly step-by-step help.

Grab a cup of coffee and let’s talk!

Why use MidSouth Medicare Advisors?

There is never a charge for any of our services.
We specialize in Medicare only.
Excellent Google reviews. 
We are the only local advisor researching every independent option in your market. This ensures you know your best solution.
We offer an annual review to ensure you have the lowest costs from year to year.
Our goal is not success but to do what is right for our clients. We feel God will ultimately bless this business model.
TESTIMONIALS                                                                                                                                                                                                                           “Mr. Swindell was AWESOME and I thank you for writing about him on this site. He explained the application process clearly and added a perspective that I could have never gotten from reading the materials. This is a mission for him and he excels at it - teaching about Medicare in such a kind and gentle way.”
Nancy in Tennessee
 “I used Mr. Swindell. He made the selection process so much easier. He explains everything to you. He is wonderful. I was so thankful for his guidance!”
Barbara in Mississippi
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Meet Tim Swindell
Your personal
Medicare Advisor

Since 1994, I have had the privilege of serving clients with top-tier insurance solutions. Over 13 years ago, I purposed to specialize exclusively in Medicare insurance. First, as a company representative with Humana and then founding MidSouth Medicare Advisors. This allows me to be laser-focused to do what is best for the prospect or client by researching every independent company in the market. I provide boutique service in delivering the correct solution for each person's specific needs.

To borrow from C. S. Lewis… “My business is not to succeed but to do right; when you have done so, the rest lies with God.”

Soli Deo Gloria!
Tim Swindell

Currently, MMA is researching 16 organizations that offer 259 plans within Tennessee, Mississippi, and Texas or you may contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) for help with plan choices.

Proudly serving Tennessee, Texas, and Mississippi